

National Review Columnist: Bipartisan SMART Act is a “Pro-Consumer, Pro-Market Bill to Lower [Car] Repair Prices”

May 01, 2023

As consumers face “staggering” car repair prices driven by automakers’ anticompetitive tactics alongside “stubbornly high” inflation, the bipartisan Save Money on Auto Repair Transportation (SMART) Act is a “pro-consumer, pro-market” solution, says National Review columnist and former Wall Street Journal editorial board member John Fund in a recent piece.

Fund quotes SMART Act sponsor Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) on the troubling situation currently facing American drivers when it comes to car repairs:

“According to the American Automobile Association, a third of American drivers can’t afford the costs of an unexpected car-repair bill without going into debt. Motor vehicles have headlamps, bumpers, and grilles that often cost hundreds of dollars more when purchased from an automakers rather than from an independent manufacturer. Consumers deserve the right to have more auto-part repair options.”

– Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), SMART Act Sponsor

Fund notes that automotive right to repair legislation like the SMART Act and the Right to Equitable and Professional Auto Industry Repair (REPAIR) Act are commonsense, bipartisan solutions that help consumers by upholding fair, competitive markets for car repairs:

“…[I]f you purchased a product, you own it, and you should be able to repair it… Right to Repair laws are a responsible way to enhance consumer choice and forestall calls for more heavy-handed government regulation that will slow innovation and limit economic growth. Support for a free economy can be sustained only if consumers feel that they’re being treated fairly and have real ownership of the things they buy.”

 – John Fund, National Review Columnist and Former Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Member

Join the growing, consumers-first movement and tell your member of Congress to advance the SMART and REPAIR Acts today!

Have you been impacted by car repair restrictions? Click HERE to tell your story.